Company Profile – English Task

Company Profile

Delicy Sweet Cake

Telekomunikasi Street number 1

Buah Batu, Dayeuh Kolot

Bandung, West Java

085382711222 | [email protected] |


Vision :

Making cake as a favourite dessert to everyone

Company Innovation :

– consumers can enjoy our variants of cake

– consumers can get a voucher promo if they buy more than 2 cakes

Target Market :

Today : Student and the community around Telkom University

Tomorrow : Peoples around Bandung and another cities

Project :

– the company will make a branches in every cities to easier consumers to buy our product

-the company will make promo and discount every week

– we always launch a new cake in every month

Pinpoint The Different :

– Our cake has a different taste from the other cake. we always sell a fresh cake from the oven every morning.

– The consumers in our shop can view the process how to our chef(s) making the cakes




Tikus berdasi yang tidak bermartabat

Semena-mena menggunakan uang rakyat

Bagaikan tak punya hati nurani


Koruptor membuat rakyat melarat

Koruptor membuat rakyat menderita

Kehadiran mereka membuat rakyat sengsara..


Hancur negeri ini karena koruptor

Demi kepentingannya sendiri

Mereka merelakan nasib para rakyat kecil


Wahai para koruptor..

Berhentilah mengumbar janji-janji

Hentikanlah tindakan korupsi


Kembalikan hak para rakyat!

Buatlah Indonesia tercinta ini kembali menjadi negeri….

Yang makmur dan sejahtera.